Get 20% off Kuv Ua Tau by Joining the Book Launch Team
My book, Kuv Ua Tau (I Can Do It) isn’t simply an adorable and beautiful book. It’s a book with an amazing message, a message that our Hmong kids need to hear. I wrote Kuv Ua Tau because I want my children to know that with the right mentality and perseverance, they are capable of so much, while learning Hmong! This is a book that is extremely unique and is so needed in our community.
Kuv Ua Tau has already been designed and is all set to go. I just need to send it to the press. But in order for me to get it printed, my printing company will need a minimum order before it will even begin the printing process. So this is where I need your help.
I have as a goal to get 300 preorders for the book by April 3rd. If we can get 300 preorders by April 3rd, we can get this book printed!
You can help me reach that goal by joining my book launch team to spread the word about it.
And for joining my launch team, you’ll get 3 amazing perks!
As a member of the HmongBaby Book Launch Team, you'll receive:
1. Exclusive first look at the book!
2. One FREE Kuv Ua Tau eBook (PDF).
3. A 20% discount on the physical board book (exclusive to book launch team members only)
As a member of the HmongBaby Book Launch Team, this is what I need your help with:
1. Go to the Amazon page for our book (sign into your Amazon account) and write an honest review of the book - before 3/27/18.
2. Copy and paste your Amazon review as a FB post with the following hastags: #icandoitbook #hmongbaby - before 3/27/18.
3. Go to THIS Facebook post and tag 3 friends in the comments.
IMPORTANT: Once you've done all 3 things, email me at and I will send you the 20% discount code :)
To join the Kuv Ua Tau book launch team and to receive your free Kuv Ua Tau eBook for free, sign up below.