Digital Food Flashcards
Available in White Hmong and Green Hmong.
IMPORTANT: This product is exactly like the physical version, but it's digital so it can be accessed as an "app" on your tablets and smart phones wherever you are!
One thing you do every day is... EAT! Maximize these moments with your kids by teaching them their fruits and veggies in Hmong with this flash card set. It could help spark fun and interesting conversations over the dinner table.
With these digital flashcards, you can print your own copies of the flashcards OR you can view it on a tablet and use it as digital flashcards!
What Customers are Saying:
"My son is 3 years old and although I only speak Hmong to him, he had never spoken Hmong to me. After watching your videos and getting your flashcards, my son spoke in Hmong for the first time! There is nothing like hearing your own children speak in your own language:) Thank you for creating HmongBaby!" - See V.
This product is BOTH a PDF and a web app that can exist on your mobile device.
Once you checkout, you'll receive an email where you can download the PDF instantaneously.
To access your flashcards as an "app" on your mobile device, click on the link on the first page of your PDF.
The left side of each page contains a cute and simple picture with the Hmong word underneath. The right side of each page contains the word in Hmong and 3 questions to help you start a simple conversation in Hmong with your child. It also includes the word in English.
NOTE: This product is for personal use only. Commercial use is prohibited. Digital products are non-refundable.