HmongBaby Survey Results!

Last week, I sent out a survey to the HmongBaby email list and got a ton of really helpful insights about what it's like being a 2nd generation Hmong-American mother of young kids. I resonated with a lot of what others wrote in their survey responses. 

Below you'll find the survey question along with a word cloud of the most common words that people used in their responses.

1. What are your biggest concerns for your children?
Question 1 Word Cloud


2. What is the biggest challenge you have with passing down the Hmong language to your kids?
Question 2 Word Cloud


3. What would make it easier for you to share the Hmong language and culture to your kids?
Question 3 Word Cloud


4. What are some Hmong books or documentaries that you recommend I read or watch?
Question 4 Word Cloud


If you didn't take the survey but still want to share your thoughts with me, feel free to message me by clicking the BLUE button on the bottom right corner of the screen!

Thanks :)

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